DAY 107

DAY 4 / WEEK 28 / Actions:  JAŠA, Michele Drascek, Bowrain, Giulio Peiré, Edison Pashkaj, Giorgio Guidi, Carolina Pozzi. 

Photos by Rosa Lux

We are good and honest people by choice, and this is why the two friends took an oath on that day; that all of their actions will be driven by ideas that will be honestly and mindfully crafted, accepting the fact that disappointments will probably not escape them.


UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin





DAY 106

DAY 6 / WEEK 26 / Actions:  JAŠA, Michele Drascek, Bowrain, Beatrice Gelmetti 

Photos by Simone Settimo

They look at the space they created from above. The public stares at them, waiting for the same sign they are waiting for. But only a light breeze comes along carrying a familiar scent, or maybe just a memory. Man in White Without a Shadow points in different directions.

Man In White Without A Shadow:    

Look through the holes, these holes and cracks we made in these precious walls.


The cracks that emit light,


and whispers.


UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin


DAY 105

DAY 5 / WEEK 25 / Actions:  JAŠA, Michele Drascek, Bowrain, Dan Mrevlje, Marta Capacci

Photos by Rosa Lux


How many can this room hold? How many before it breaks?



As many as it needs.



What need? What does a man need? Shelter? Limits? Isn’t that the opposite of touch? of closeness? I would rather spend a day in the rain with a lover than lie by the fireplace in a silent room. Then again, if we lived together in such closed quarters, wouldn’t it start raining from the ceiling?

UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin




DAY 104

 A group of students from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, has been one of the essential collaborations within the project of UTTER. As part of my long collaboration as a part time tutor at Atelier F, and especially with my professor Carlo Di Raco (now director of the Accademia), my aim in my teachings has always been to create a bridge of information directly from the field. Students took part in the entire process of the project from the beginning of the installation period, and are now daily executing the oil painting that is slowly covering the inner part of the structure. Young artists of the Atelier F, working on process and collective effort, are one on the main drives of the project. They are Marta Spagnoli, Damiano Colombi, Barbara De Vivi, Liya Du, Beatrice Gelmetti, Justine Luce, Luca Migliorino, Giulio Peirè, Paolo Pretolani, Gabriela Rungger, Giulia Scudier, Anastasiya Velkova Parvanova, Carolina Pozzi, Edison Pashkaj.



DAY 103

DAY 1 / WEEK 21 / Actions:  Janez Vidrih, Michele Drascek

Photos by Simone Settimo

In this space they share rooms, and each of these rooms responds to each of them, with comfort or need. And they all need.


UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin




DAY 102

(As a direct comment, this past week) the Pavilion of Slovenia has concentrated on the fact that the project is in the duty of representing a country as a part of the European Union in this adverse time; due to this reason, week 20 has been solely dedicated to a clear and loud statement: 

“We need to (keep) open(ing) up!!!” 

 In days like this the stance, or better yet - no stance - of Slovenian and European questionable politics is shameful. So many unclear passages of colors and positions, when in front of our eyes we have a crisp, clear picture of human to human responsibility, where there should be no doubts.
The entire team of UTTER / the violent necessity for embodied presence of hope” fiercely criticizes the once-again foggy, unclear and non-humanitarian approach of the politics and strongly supports all the ground level initiatives that are in action because of the only logical way, empathy and responsibility.


We need to keep opening up.

To tear down these new walls, 

that separate you from me.

If we stop now, they will blister our space with new and new walls.

...actual walls, and those of rubber, set in the minds,

where constantly bouncing left and right.

We need to keep opening up!

...so that your voice and mine can travel loudly, 

instead of returning only as a faint whisper.


WEEK 20 / Actions:  JAŠA, Michele Drascek, Janez Vidrih, Kuno Mayr, Margherita Pirotto

Photos by Rosa Lux


Day 101

Untitled, 2015


DAY 100

DAY 5 / WEEK 18 / Actions:  JAŠA, Michele Drascek, Janez Vidrih, Kuno Mayr, Nikos Kandarakis, Giulio Peiré, Damiano Colombi

Photos by Rosa Lux


Please show him.



I’m waiting for this house  to be finished, for the beds to be made, for a corner I can lean on without having the wall move from behind me. 

UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin

DAY 99

DAY 4 / WEEK 17 / Actions:  JAŠA, Rosa Lux, Damiano Colombi

Photo by Simone Settimo


Can you please tell me what all of this means?


The Thief:

That we fight.


The Children:

We would like to have a different voice too.

UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin


DAY 98

DAY 6 / WEEK 14 / Actions: Michele Drascek, Janez Vidrih, JAŠA, Duccio Marignoli

Photo by Simone Settimo



It seems like we’ve been here before.



Yes it does.



My horn is ready to sound. Will this be the day of all days?



I’m not sure. I’m afraid not.

UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin


DAY 97



we share this space



First, on the first day, I wake up and try hard to recollect my dreams. I smell coffee. I wander about the night, trying to remember it all. I start from scratch and focus on the end. The routine, the discipline, the freedom. I observe breakfast and think of lunch. I consult with my telephone, emails, work, shower, fresh clothes.


I will soon walk out, but as second on the first day I lay out the drawing of my day. I start in the space, I start with a simple little line, when I see it vibrating in front of my eyes and I let it grow. It's becoming longer and longer, faster and faster. It dances around me and precisely draws out the forms. All these forms should contain a meaning later on in the day. But for now it’s a play, you and me. I get closer to the window so the line can escape the room. It stretches above the roofs, runs even faster, turns, twists on itself, goes as fast as my thought, enclosed in my skull. Once she’s out there completely, I close my eyes (and I leave the (line) talk).


As part of its support to the project “UTTER / the violent necessity for the embodied presence of hope” by Jaša for the Slovenian Pavilion at the 56 La Biennale di Venezia, the Marignoli Collection of Contemporary Art acquired the preparatory drawings of the project, drawn by the artist in his studio in New York from October 2014 to February 2015.

The acquisition is the result of the continuous dialogue on the processes behind the formulation and genesis of art production between Michele Drascek - both curator of UTTER and Chief Curator of Project of The Marignoli di Montecorona Foundation - and the collector Duccio K. Marignoli.


DAY 96

DAY 6 / WEEK 13

Photo by Rosa Lux

"They decided to establish rules. Their call was the call of urgency, which of course in the end makes them less free than ever. In their stubbornness they decided to continue, and they  do so with great and admiring discipline. Seen from the outside, day 6 is surely the hardest. Why? And do they know? Because there was music and there was dance they were looking for, and they found both.

Within the recollections of the days there are inspiring thoughts and monologues, but all the characters suffer, because they know that they cannot deliver a final conclusion, especially not at the end. The director’s frame does not allow the “grand finale” conclusion; filters at hand do not give answers at the end. "

UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin

DAY 95

DAY 4 / WEEK 12 / Action: Margherita Pirotto

Photo by Rosa Lux

Woman who never had to:

Please let us now all sit down, and take our time. Let’s talk to the embeded human drive, as a sharp resistance; as us.



Was this not supposed to be a lecture on the importance of the revolutions?


Man In White Without A Shadow:       

Much can be discussed within these walls. 


UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin


DAY 94

DAY 6 / WEEK 7 / Action: JAŠA

Music by Bowrain

Video by Rosa Lux


DAY 93

DAY 3 / WEEK 8 / Actions: Samantha Stella, Janez Vidrih, Michele Drascek, Luca Marcolini 

Images by Rosa Lux

Man In White Without a Shadow:

We should break, reshape, penetrate these walls, these materialized thoughts of bygone era or they might simply collapse on us.



There are many spaces within every space, they echo with every opening of a door, with every movement of a hand, with every sound we make.



Who was that?



Do  I really need to comment on this!?



I guess not. I guess I know, but still felt the need to ask. Only not to be so sure. Here he is,  right in front of my face, and I still find it so hard to see, either him or what he’s pointing at.



Maybe you should ask him.


UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin


DAY 92

DAY 3 / WEEK 6 / Actions: Janez Vidrih, JAŠA, Anastasiya Velkova Parvanova

Images by Rosa Lux

Man In White Without a Shadow stands in the middle of the room. He draws a circle. He stands inside it and begins to sway. The gestures are exaggerated, arms raised, right index finger pointing upwards, his legs stay still but his torso counter clockwise. He moves like a sundial, but no shadow is cast to tell the right time.


It all seems very formal. Is it merely a disciplined act?



A disciplined act indeed. Acted out of belief.



Doesn’t that limit his choices? Repeating and repeating; not knowing which way is east, not knowing whether the sun is shining or it’s just this lights that humm over our heads.



It doesn’t, if you do not direct it at anyone.

UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin


DAY 91

DAY 2 / WEEK 5 / Actions: Janez Vidrih, JAŠA, Michele Drascek

Images by Simone Settimo


l think we are rather good and honest people by choice. Even if l do not want to see it as a style, as an aestheticised statement, it still is a decision that implies a precise formal stand. When it comes to the language we are using, and the apparatus of our choosing, it does imply a well structured discipline. There's a mindful codex of values that defines the structure. The bones of everything is seen and heard here. The image might seem abstract at the beginning, until you start connecting the dots."

UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin


DAY 90

DAY 4 / WEEK 4 / Action: JAŠA, Michele Drascek

Music by Bowrain, lyrics by JAŠA

Video by Rosa Lux

 The Thief:

The more time passes, the more I want to be closer. This is why I turn and go back, even for only an instance, to that day when I heard the story, … “We are running through a field of Sunflowers, Chrysanthemum and Hollyhocks in full bloom.” 

UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin


DAY 89

DAY 3 / WEEK 4 / Actions: JAŠA, Michele Drascek, Janez Vidrih, Marta Capacci

Images by Rosa Lux


"There is a clapping sound but it may be simply the raindrops rapping on the window. The day in proceeding, people come and go, but they stay."

UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin


DAY 88

DAY 1 / WEEK 3 / Action: Michele Drascek

“We are using pencils to dig holes in the walls. It is not about creating an infinite space but about poking the surface again and again. The beauty lays in the architecture of the gesture.” 

UTTER / book / text by JAŠA & Etan Nechin


DAY 87

Music by Bowrain

Vocals by JAŠA

Text by JAŠA & Nina


DAY 86

Photo by Rosa Lux & JAŠA


Day 85

Photo by Rosa Lux


DAY 84

Photo by JAŠA


DAY 83

Photo by Simone Settimo


DAY 82

Photo  by  Simone Settimo


DAY 81

DAY 80


DAY 79


DAY 78